Where Does Klee Go in Genshin Impact to Go Fish Blasting?

Where to discover the old battered referenced in Klee's hint may be found in our Where Does Klee Go Fish Blasting in Genshin Impact guide. Finding it might be challenging, particularly if you are unfamiliar with Klee in general. We will therefore describe Klee's fish-blasting location as well as the location of the cart.

In Genshin Impact, Where Does Klee Go Fish Blasting?

Old Broken Cart at Klee's Typical Fish Blasting Location in Genshin Impact

Locating the ancient, damaged cart in the location where Klee often goes fishing in Genshin Impact is the eighth stage in the Fecund Blessings event's Feast in Full Swing section. Klee provides you with this hint: At the location where I often go fish blasting, there's this dilapidated cart, right? Behind it, I concealed my gift! You own it everything if you can locate it! Oh, and I promise not to blow up that cart. Really! Razor can attest to me, I suppose. Therefore, until you've spent time with Klee, you truly have no idea where this location is. If not, you'll be at a loss for ideas. What direction should you go? Now, to see the precise position, look at the screenshots below.

That's right, the location of the ancient, battered cart is where Klee often goes fishing during the Genshin Impact Feast in Full Swing quest. It seems Klee's favorite spot for explosive fishing is Starfell Lake. Leaving aside the morality of her behavior, the cart is not near the lake. Instead, take the route that heads south past the lake and toward Mondstadt. You should ultimately be able to see the big, abandoned wagon amid several boulders if you keep your gaze to the left. It's sort of squeezed between the boulders and the wagon, but believe me when I say that you need to discover and unlock the Fecund Hamper, also known as the chest or barrel.