Hal Cantos' Cyberpunk 2077: Occupational Hazard
Workplace Danger To complete the Cyberpunk 2077 task, you must locate Hal Cantos at a Mox hideaway. Although it seems straightforward, it's not that simple. In order to locate Hal Cantos, you must vanquish a Mox cyberpsycho in the CP2077 Occupational Hazard task. That is, if you manage to get entry to the Mox location first. Since all of that might provide a bit of a challenge for you, we have created our Cyberpunk 2077 Occupational Hazard Find Hal Cantos.Use the guide as a reference.
In Cyberpunk 2077, where is Hal Cantos located in the Occupational Hazard gig?
All you have to do to locate Hal Cantos in Cyberpunk 2077's Occupational Hazard job is knock on the doors of the big, blue container. As we've previously said, the main issue with the game is that it doesn't inform you where Hal is. Apart from eliminating the cyberpsycho, but more on that in a moment. After you've vanquished the cyberpsycho, knock on the door and let Hal know everything is well. By the way, if you're cunning enough, you may open the container's door and pretend that nothing is dangerous. However, we strongly advise against taking this step.