Dream On - Cyberpunk 2077 - Hidden Room, Jefferson Decisions

The Dream On Cyberpunk 2077 assignment has you searching Jefferson's apartment for a secret chamber before Jefferson makes a decision. The Jefferson decision at the very end of the CP2077 Dream On quest sounds rather significant, and you have to figure out where to discover the secret chamber in order to go on. We've put up our Cyberpunk 2077 Dream On - Hidden Room, Jefferson Choices guide to aid you with this things. You have been cautioned that there will be some minor spoilers about the mission's conclusion.

Cyberpunk 2077 Dream On: Jefferson Choices, Hidden Room

Locate and Unlock the Secret Chamber Dream On, Cyberpunk 2077

Follow Elizabeth around the apartment until you get to the TV room in order to locate and unlock the secret chamber in the Cyberpunk 2077 Dream On quest. You know, the one with the enormous couch and TV screen inside? Locate the concealed entrance by using your scanner to go to the area to the left of the TV. It is located to the right of the main entrance that opens to the inside of the flat.

To the left of the enormous TV lies the concealed entrance.

The Dream On quest's secret area may be unlocked in two different ways. If your Body Attribute score is high enough, your first option is to pry it open with your own hands. That's how the issue was resolved. Of course, there's another method to go about things. Proceed to the security room below and peruse the most recent message. This will provide you with the locked computer's access code (6709). Reach the second computer, enter Local Network, and use it to open the secret chamber.

Once you're inside the hidden chamber, look around the odd computer and follow the cables to the rooftop satellite dish. From there, the mission is really simple; just be careful not to lose the surveillance vehicle. If so, reload a save. Let's talk about the decision you'll have to make at the conclusion of the Dream On task. UP TO THIS POINT, THERE MAY BE SPOILERS.

You Have Nothing to Add or Are Brainwashed - Dream On Cyberpunk 2077 Jefferson Choice

At the very conclusion of the Cyberpunk 2077 Dream On objective, Jefferson must choose between "You're Being Brainwashed" and "Don't Have Much to Add." Essentially, you will have to decide between following Elizabeth's account and having to live with the knowing that a brainwashed mayor is in command, or telling Jefferson the truth and maybe endangering his life. It's a difficult moral choice.

Cyberpunk 2077 Dream Upon ultimate selection

Fortunately, in the big picture, it doesn't really matter what you decide. Elizabeth may exaggerate the possible repercussions, but in the end, it all depends on you and the persona you're portraying for your V. You may relax knowing that the quest ends very much the same way whether you choose "Don't Have Much to Add" or "You're Being Brainwashed." Depending on your selection, you will get several chat choices, but that is it.